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Winter 2018

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Confidence in collectivism

The future looks brighter now that our funding ratio is improving.”

An interview with Eline Lundgren, board member of the CDC pension funds of ING and NN Group.

FAQ: Will my partner be able to stay in my house if I should pass away?

During the three-day ‘Pensioen3daagse’, we discussed various topics with employees. They frequently asked us about pension for surviving dependants. No matter what phase their lives or careers are in, employees want assurance as to how the pension fund will take care of their partners and children if that should ever be needed. Here’s what we told them.

Will your pension for 2017 be increased?

NN CDC Pensioenfonds tries to increase the pensions of current and former NN Group employees and pensioners to keep up with inflation. For 2017, a partial increase equal to 0.09% of your pension is allowed. The unused portion of the indexation may be granted in a future year. This article explains how indexation works.

Moving forward

“Five years from now, I’ll be ready for a new challenge! A new job, new surroundings, perhaps a raise. How will that affect my pension?

The Dutch government's coalition agreement is full of new ideas for the Netherlands. A new pension system is on the horizon. Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s third cabinet decided to accept the recommendations presented some time ago by the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER) as the basis for a new national pension agreement. Reform of the Dutch pension system has become essential as life expectancy rises, interest rates remain low and the labour market evolves. The government wants everyone to have an adequate pension – including you and the generations after you. To keep pensions affordable, we will all have to prolong our working lives. The challenge for you is to find the work-life balance that's best for you.

Check out the Pension Planner’s mobile web app

With the Pension Planner, via the mobile web app you can gain insight into your pension and make calculations.

What type of pension person are you?

Are you the type of person who postpones? Or do you systematically work your way through to-do lists? Are you a bon vivant who looks to the future with optimism? Or do you find it difficult to make decisions and prefer consulting friends and colleagues for advice? No matter what type of person you are, NN CDC Pensioenfonds will help you get a grip on your pension situation and help you take action where necessary.

What happened in 2017

We like to share the results in the area of pension administration and communication. We are proud to have set the next steps in making pension more personal and relevant for you.

Repayment of special partner pension

The board of NN CDC Pensioenfonds has decided to repay special partner pension to the (current or former) participant if their ex-partner passes away before they do. This is an important decision, because the amount can be substantial.

How much pension contribution will you be paying in 2018?

If you work at NN Group, you and your employer both pay contributions towards your pension. The amount you pay into your pension is specified on your salary slip each month. How does this work? How does your employer calculate the amount of your contribution? Some things have changed with effect from 1 January 2018.


FAQ: Can I pay additional contributions into my pension plan?

You and your employer both contribute to your pension. This has been agreed under the Collective Labour Agreement. Your share of the contribution is equal to a percentage of your pension base and is automatically deducted from your salary every month. You cannot make additional contributions to your pension.

Part 3 of series: What measures can your pension fund take?

What if the pension contributions in a given year are insufficient to build up your pension for that year? What do you think will happen? In our annual TNS NIPO survey, we asked employees of NN Group this question. Read some of their answers below, and then read the correct answer.

Actuarial retirement age will continue to be 67

On 1 January 2018, the actuarial required retirement age for tax purposes has risen from 67 to 68. These changes follow from legislation that applies to all pension funds. NN Group and the trade unions have agreed not to raise the actuarial retirement age in 2018. As a result, the pension accrual rate needs to be lowered from 1.875% to 1.738%. What does this mean for your pension?