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How to set aside additional retirement savings

If you work at NN, you automatically build up pension rights. That's certain. But there are also uncertainties, such as the rate of your annual pension accrual. If you'd rather avoid surprises and set aside additional retirement savings, read this article!

Say, you’re 27 and working hard to build a career at NN. You don’t have much time to think about your retirement. However, recent news about the lowered accrual rate ambition has made you concerned about your income for later. What does that mean for your pension? Can you set aside additional savings to bridge the gap?

Pension savings outside your pension plan
It is not possible to make deposits in the pension plan of NN CDC Pensioenfonds. If you’re considering setting aside extra savings for your pension, you could however do the following:

  • Consult an external advisor to help you explore your options and set up a financial plan for your future.
  • Utilise your annual tax-deductible margin to make investments in supplemental private pension plans. The amount is specified as 'factor A' on your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). Go to the calculation tool provided by the Dutch tax authorities at to find out what you could do to make additional deposits or investments. Click here for a sample UPO 2021 and a list of frequently asked questions including an explanation of ‘factor A’.
  • Visit the Money Wise website for tips on private pension savings or watch the video here.
  • Go to the Pension Planner to find out how much pension you could expect to receive if you stayed at NN until you retire. That will help you decide whether you’ll need additional savings and will give you insight into the pension choices you could make to bridge any gaps. Options include taking out an AOW gap pension or opting for variable pension benefits.