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On our way to a new digital portal

NN CDC Pensioenfonds is working to make your personal and secure online environment and the Pension Planner accessible through a single portal by the end of this fall. That way, you’ll only need to log in once with your DigiD. What's more, the pension fund will be able to provide you with customised information in each phase of your life.

You probably don’t think about your pension every day, but when you do want to check it out, you want easy access, clear information and guidance. NN CDC Pensioenfonds’ new portal will provide all that, tailored to whatever phase of your life you're in.

What will the new portal provide?
Just like now, you’ll be able to record your email address in the new portal, so we can notify you by email whenever information is available for you. For example, news regarding indexation and your pension accrual for the year ahead, or your Uniform Pension Overview.

But there’s more: if, for example, you just joined the company or are due to retire, we’ll send you an email reminding you to check your pension matters online or visit the Pension Planner. If you need any assistance, for example to register your partner or prepare for your retirement, the Pension Desk is available to help you out with step-by-step advice.

Make pension choices online
Are you due to retire in early 2021? From this fall, you’ll be able to report your pension choices online, via the portal, if you want to. The letter you’ll receive confirming your pension benefits will be available in the portal as well, so you can save it for reference.

Just do it
Throughout your career at NN, plenty of things change in your private life and at work – things that could have an impact on your pension. At such times, NN CDC Pensioenfonds is there to help you by making your pension easy to access and understand with online tools such as the new portal. Keep an eye on our news items and visit the portal as soon as it's ready.
