Summer 2018
How do you get employees to delve into their pension situation? By offering them a 30-minute private pension conversation at their workplace during office hours. And by scheduling and thoroughly preparing these conversations in advance. The result: 144 successful customised pension conversations.
In June, NN Group and NN Advies organised a series of private conversations with NN employees at their workplaces. The aim was to help employees with questions regarding their personal pension situation following the publication of the Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) in late May. The private conversations were organised in collaboration with NN CDC Pensioenfonds and Pensioenfonds ING.
Clarity about your pension
During the conversations, employees were given answers to their pension-related questions, such as:
Second round
Were you unable to sign up for a private pension conversation? Did you not see the notification? Or did this article cause you to think about your pension? There are two things you can do: